What is the Link Between Sleep & Weight Loss?
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain, and that’s why it is important to make sure you are getting enough sleep.
The study found that people who slept for less than six hours a night were more likely to gain weight than those who slept for seven or more hours. This is because when we are awake our body produces cortisol, which is the hormone that tells us when we are hungry. However, when we sleep our body releases growth hormones, which tell us when we are full. And so if we don’t get enough sleep this hormone doesn’t get released and so it’s harder to know when to stop eating.
How Your Diet Impacts Your Sleep
A person’s diet can have a huge impact on their sleep. A diet that is too high in protein, for example, can cause a person to feel more awake and alert. This is because the body converts excess protein into tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps regulate sleep cycles.
The type of food you eat also has an impact on your sleep. For example, eating a lot of sugar before bedtime can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep all night long. Eating foods high in carbohydrates or fat before bedtime also has been shown to disrupt sleep patterns by interfering with the production of melatonin, which helps regulate the circadian rhythm.
5 Reasons Why Poor Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight
There are many negative consequences of poor sleep, such as weight gain, that have been documented in numerous studies.
We know that sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. Research has shown that people who get less than six hours of sleep a night have a higher body mass index than those who get eight hours of sleep. And there are other reasons why poor sleep can make you gain weight.
The following 5 reasons show how poor sleep can make you gain weight:
- Poor Sleep Makes You Eat More
- Poor Sleep Causes You to Have More Cravings for Junk Food
- Poor Sleep Increases Your Risk for Heart Disease and Diabetes
- Poor Sleep Affects Your Hormones in Ways That Cause Weight Gain
- Poor Sleep Can Lead to Depression and Poor sleep can make you gain weight because it alters your hormone levels which can lead to changes in appetite, metabolism, and weight.
Importance of Lifestyle Habits for Healthier Weight Management
Lifestyle habits such as eating, exercising and sleeping are important for maintaining a healthy weight. In order to maintain a healthy weight, we need to eat right and exercise. Eating junk food or not exercising regularly can lead to an unhealthy weight.
The importance of following a regular exercise routine cannot be understated in maintaining a healthy weight. Regular workouts help burn fat and build muscle which will lead to more calories being burned throughout the day. These benefits of exercise are not just restricted to physical health, but it also helps with mental health as well because it releases endorphins, which can reduce stress and improve moods.
However, it’s not just about what we eat and how much we exercise. It’s also about how many hours of sleep we get every night. If you don’t sleep enough or if you have irregular sleeping hours, your body will not be able to regulate the hormones that control appetite and metabolism properly.
How to Improve Your Sleep to Lose Weight Faster!
- Go to bed at the same time every night.
- Set your alarm for the same time every morning.
- Don’t drink coffee after 3 pm.
- Take a break from electronics 30 minutes before bedtime.
- Exercise regularly, but not right before bedtime.
How to Use the “Sleep Cycle” App to Locate a Good Sleeping Pattern For You!

It is important to get a good night’s sleep in order to function the next day. The best way to do this is by finding the right sleeping pattern that suits you. There are many apps that can help track your sleep, but Sleep Cycle is one of the best. It’s an alarm clock and sleep tracker in one. The app monitors your movement during the night, then uses this data to calculate when you’re in light or deep sleep phases.
This app uses your phone’s sensors to track your sleep and then wake you up during a light phase of sleep, which is when people feel most refreshed. It also has a smart alarm feature that wakes you up at the time of your choice.